D3000BDLB Ultimate Software Bundle for the 3000A/T/G X-Series
Ultimate Software Bundle for the 3000A/T/G X-Series
Enable all software applications on the InfiniiVision 3000A, 3000T, and 3000G X-Series oscilloscopes.
The ultimate bundle enables all 3000A, 3000T, and 3000G X-Series oscilloscope software options: D3000AUTB, D3000GENB, D3000AERB, D3000PWRB, and D3000USBB
In detail:
I2C, SPI, UART, I2S, CAN, CAN FD, LIN, FlexRay, SENT, PSI5 UD, UD NRZ, CXPI, MIL-STD 1553, ARINC 429, USB-PD, USB low & full-speed, USB hi-speed (min 1 GHz Bandwidth)
Power Analysis
Frequency Response Analysis
Enhanced HDTV Video Test
WaveGen, Advanced Math, Digital voltmeter (DVM) and educators training kit are already included standard on 3000G X-Series oscilloscopes
Note that hardware options such as the MSO channels are not included in this bundle
Márka | Keysight Technologies |